Out of laundry soap again....AGAIN!? My small batches really should last longer than they do, or I should do less laundry for my family of six. I prefer making smaller batches of laundry soap, to spend my time doing other things, don't you? I mean, I don't mind making a batch of the laundry soap, I just wish it would last longer.
While on the computer today, I found this easy (really--too easy!) and quick laundry soap recipe. And.... it works just fine! The recipe is adapted from One Good Thing by Jillie. I am really amazed at how effective the combination of the ingredients work together. Since I started making my own laundry soap, before getting out of debt back in 2006, I have never seen a recipe with these ingredients mixed together. Of course, there's the Borax and Washing Soda. But, in place of the Ivory soap, there's Dawn Liquid Dish Soap! (That's it?!) And, water, of course!
3/4 cup Borax
3/4 cup Washing Soda
1 gallon size pitcher of hot water
1/2 cup Dawn Liquid Dish Soap (blue)
Use a container you've got, that is convenient to you. I used a gallon-sized pitcher that I wasn't using in my cabinet. Measure the Borax and Washing Soda into the pitcher. Slowly, add hot water to dissolve the powder. When the water nears the top, without overflowing, add the Dawn and stir. (This procedure will prevent bubbles.)
Immediately, I used it in a large load. I measured 1/2 cup.
As the soap cooled, it did slightly thicken, but nothing in comparison to the "grated" soap kind that gelled. However, it got all my dirty loads caught up...bummer! (I was enjoying this new recipe!) I cannot tell a difference in the performance of waiting for the hot batch to cool versus using it immediately. If the liquid has settled since last used, just give it a gentle stir, before measuring to do a load.
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